Wednesday, August 1, 2007

cartagena galore

ok, this is new. my mom called my nurse practitioner that i saw for my 6 weeks check up after i had hayley and explained to her how sick i've been and everything and she said "this is serious business"and gave me an appointment for tomorrow. a next day appointment and actual concern.... wow. i may fall into a coma, i'm so shocked. i've got all my symptoms typed out and my medical history timeline that i made all by myself and a list of questions. oh, i'm nervous. i really hope she can help me and doesn't just say what the other gyns said, "that doesn't sound like our area, see your gp." and then the gp said, "you need a specialist, see a gyn." but that was scott and white, home of the keystone docs (i'm making a comparison to the keystone cops, they were proto-stooges, for all you young folks) this nurse practitioner is associated with king's daughter's. their ER is a mess, but they seem to know their stuff in obstetrics. everybody use your mental energy to make this appointment a good, productive one. or stop the rain or something.

ryan is coming back for awhile! shhhhh, its kind of a secret. he's only going to be here for a few weeks and those few weeks coincide perfectly with the time that my parents and hayley are going to indiana to take my little brother to college. UNSUPERVISED PARTY AT BRAK'S PARENT'S HOUSE!! haha.. um, no. i like my privacy, though, so it'll be cool to have him here while they aren't. no, not *that* kind of privacy! but seriously, we might start a temporary nudist colony or something.

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