Monday, September 25, 2006

lighting, music, laundry

Brak --


A hard-core grave robber

'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at

I haven't been making it to the gym as much as I would like, so Saturday night I got real desperate and decided that I would see if I can run. I pulled a tendon in my hip right away and then found out that not only can I not run, but I'm also afraid of the dark. It was really dark and I kept thinking someone was chasing me (which goes back to my paranoia..). Then I decided that I would stay in the comforting glow of my porch light and do Step on my front stairs. That didn't work cause the rail got hungry for Brak knee. ow. Then I tried to jump rope and it was ok except that I'm not very good at it. So midnight aerobics in my front yard ends in blood and tears. Its a good thing to know.

Friday, September 22, 2006

maryland: the origin of all females

I just saw a texas spotted whiptail lizard! yay! It was pretty and moved real fast and i get a grade for seeing it. That's an added bonus. I was hiding under my desk for the past 10 minutes or so. I just got this feeling like my position in the desk chair was far too exposed. I could feel the eyes of a million invisible persons crawling on my skin. So I had to hide. But now I've come back out and turned off the light. I think that's normal to get sudden, inexplicable urges to hide. Or maybe I'm just really paranoid..? Nothing is happening today. I woke up and dressed like a naughty schoolgirl then I changed into sensible clothes and stood over an air vent for awhile. It didn't get cold last night, it stayed hot so today is extra hot when compared with yesterday. That's why I was standing over the air vent; I was hot, not having some fantasy that I was a certain famous person. I wanted to go to the gym but someone had their laundry in the washer on my laundry day. grrr. i had to wait and now i'm waiting for my gym clothes to be clean so i can go make them smell like death itself. Hayley's at a doctor's appointment. I didn't get to go. Probably because my mom was afraid I'd try to set the doctor on fire. Teehee, no, its cause I was doing homework and looking all studious. I got a 100 on my first test in trig. I was all scared and I thought everyone else in my class was way smarter than me, but i heard them talking about their grades and I heard numbers like 35, 67, and 80 being thrown around. Now I feel better. Possibly some of them are smarter than me, but at least I'm not the dumbest one. I haven't really had any interesting thoughts. I think maybe parts of my brain are shutting down from dissuse. *shrug* whatever, i'm a ball of apathy.

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

super avoidy

I'm really really scared! I signed up for trig this semester (see previous blogs) and now I'm beginning to wonder what I've gotten myself into. I don't think that the work is that hard, its just very confusing. I haven't dealt with shapey, angley things since high school. And I know there's homework, I just can't access it because my computer doesn't like the homework computer. I just went and found the labs I'm supposed to be doing but none of them has a due date on it. When are they due?! When!!?? Have they already been due? I don't know! I don't know!! I can't drop the class because I get government money and if I get below 12 credit hours I don't get paid enough. I'm at 14 now and Trigonometry is 3. I can do 14-3 and it doesn't equal 12. I think the real problem is that I missed class yesterday (Tuesday). I was five minutes late because the Speech guy went over. There's no clock in that room so he didn't know he was going over. I walked as fast as I could and I was still 5 minutes late and the door was already locked. I missed a class. It might've been important, it might not have. I have no way of knowing. I don't even know how many sections he covered. Should I do 1.3 or 1.3 and 1.4? I don't know!

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

weasel fluff

I'm sitting at my desk, doing nothing and thinking non-thoughts. I know there are better things I could be doing, but I just cannot find the motivation to get up and do them. I'm upset that this week didn't have a Monday. I like Monday. I get to go to Zoology on Monday and I clean out my car on Monday (at least in theory) and I get to go back to the gym after a horrible, perilous weekend doing without. I didn't get to do any of those things, and the things I did do which were supposed to be fun, leisure activities turned out to be oddly unsatisfying. I think next time I have a three day weekend then I'll just not take the day off. Refuse to vacation. I'll just go to classes like normal and if the building is locked then I'll study on my own And I'll refuse to have any sort of "fun" because fun ultimately comes back to bite you in the ass. 

Sunday, September 3, 2006

with a dwarf

my parents are out of town this week and they took hayley with them. and its labor day. on labor day everyone across the nation toils and labors endlessly for 24 hours or until they pass out from exhaustion. i bought work gloves special for the occaision. i have to put the chickens back in their house for my dad. they don't know that they can't fly. its kind of funny like when my brother used to think he was superman. he figured out he couldn't fly after three trips to the emergency room and he still has the scars to remind him. but the chickens make my hands smell funny. i watched scary movie 4 today and i have to wonder why poop is so funny.. it doesn't seem like comedy to me. i think there were at least 3 instances where a character pooped in that movie. and in that new jack black movie where he pretends to be mexican, he poops, too. i don't get it. my mouth tastes like cheese and that tells me that its time to visit mr. toothbrush. i also visit with mr. floss but sometimes he's a mean lil fella.