Monday, August 6, 2007

nostalgic peeping cats

WIZARD PEOPLE! that is what walter and i watched when i visited him yesterday. its not really a movie, so much as an alternate soundtrack for the first harry potter (the sorcerer's stone). some funny-man thought it would be cool if we turned off the movie's original sound and let him do the narration. i liked the part where the wretched harmony (hermione in the original) cried a second self, just so she would have someone to hug. we also watched All I Wanna Do! which is a feel-good, women's lib movie about girls at an all-girl boarding school in the 60's. it was okay, and it made me feel good about women's lib, too. we were watching it because it featured Heather Matarazzo who is like one of our dieties. she played the part of the awkward, bulemic girl. and played it well! Hurrah for Heather! Hurrah! then my mom and dad took us all to red lobster for my birthday and i unthinkingly ordered crab legs. i forgot what a labor-intensive food that is and quickly exhausted myself wrestling with it and had to sleep on the way home. i really hate being a weakling. a dead crustacean should be no match for me! especially if i have the benefit of modern tools and the opposable thumb. and yet, that stupid crab forced me into bed before 10 pm. in the (new) words of harry potter "fuck!! fucking shit!!!!". 

i did a background check on my new friends, the liver granulomas, and according to the interbutts, they indicate something majorly wrong with my body, but don't really point to anything specific. possibilities include: sarcoidosis, schistosomaiasis, systemic bacterial infection, endocrine disorder... and it goes on like that. i was happy to learn that they aren't usually present in cases of cirhossis or liver failure. means my liver is working fine, just some interfering bitch of a disease is putting lumps in it. probably accounts for the slightly off hepatic enzymes i've been getting, too. i need to do more research to find out if the damage is reversible. i would think that it should be since livers are pretty good at regenerating, but i'll check it out anyway. i'm still going to see the rheumatologist on aug. 8th and waiting for a call from the gastroenterologist to set up an appointment. like that's ever gonna happen. doctors are smug, selfish, lazy, judgemental bastards who have better things to do with their time than call patients. especially if those patients are miserably ill and in dire need of medical attention. why would a doctor want to sully his (or her) hands with that mess? better to just attend to the patients who have nothing more serious than a cold or nothing more difficult to diagnose than a broken bone. tylenol is the strongest drug ever to be prescribed and fluid and rest are a universal panacea! oh, and cancer is a lie the government tells you to harm big tobacco, its really just indigestion.

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