Thursday, July 13, 2006

good news

Hayley can now say the longest word in the english language.
Amos has been trying to teach her to say that since before she could talk. The other good news is that I'm getting Karppi for History next semester! Yay!! He's like the blessed Pilsbury Doughboy of Social Sciences. I love him! He is the easiest teacher but yet, I still learn stuff. He gives out a review at the beginning of each unit and all you gotta do is find the answers and memorize them. (Yeah I said unit). I've already started reading my book when I'm not in the gym because I thought I was getting Williams and he's not bad, but he's not Karppi either. I thought about trading my Zoology for Physics but I'm too chicken. I hate it that I don't understand things like cosmic strings and that whole movement vantage point thingy. I think I'm going to get Physics for dummies and see how that goes. kind of take things slow, then work my way up to time travel and actual physics courses. But I will do it someday, even if it isn't in my degree plan. Just cause I'm usually so good at science. It's a challenge, I guess. I need to eat now.

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