Monday, March 5, 2007

tumultuous gumdrop

i've been really sick for the past 3 or 4 weeks. i had that peanut butter salmonella for a week, got better from that and then got something else. i've been trying to get an appointment to see a doctor for the past few weeks. i finally got in to see one today. she checked my heart and tested me for diabetes. when both those tests came back negative she gave me a pescription for motrin and sent me home. she didn't care to figure out what exactly is wrong with me, just as long as it isn't my heart and i'm not diabetic then i guess i'm okay, right? i mean, those are the only possible things that could be wrong with a person. no one ever gets cancer or thyroid disease or lupus or anything except cardiac disease or diabetes. right? right?! she did say that she thought i just had severe depression. this is complete and utter nonsensical bullshit. she said this because i've been losing hair and weight and my skin is peeling off and because i haven't left the house in several weeks. depressed people lose weight because of a loss of appetite. i, on the other hand, have a very large appetite. since i've been able to, i've been eating constantly- consuming at least 3 times as much food as i did prior to my illness and yet i still lose weight. depressed people don't leave the house because they don't want to- they simply lose interest in going outside or even come to dread it. i know this because i have been that depressed before and i've known people who were that depressed as well. right now i would like nothing better than to leave my home, to go outside, take my classes, even just walk around. i can't leave my house because i can barely stand and if i try to walk for too long i get dizzy and have to lie down. in her tentative diagnosis of 'severe depression' the doctor completely ignored my other symptoms, which could never be caused by depression no matter how severe- chest pains, dizziness, blurred vision, increased thirst ( i have to drink at least 2 gallons of water a day), slurred speech, the back prickles, disorientation, shortness of breath... and she called salmonella a virus. i throw up my hands and sigh, i sigh loudly and cringe. why do we even bother seeking health care anymore? its a pointless waste of resources. i'm going back on friday to see the results of the blood tests she sent out to check my kidneys, liver, and other vital organ functions. she said that if they come back all right then it must be depression. i think i may have my dad talk to her and convince her that no one in the history of psychiatry has ever been *that* depressed. perhaps then she'll be willing to do her job of giving me a correct diagnosis that accounts for all my symptoms and treating me for whatever illness i may have. somehow, i seriously doubt it.

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