Thursday, February 2, 2006


I'm trying to write an article review about economic globalization and i can't spell. its awful! usually i'm an okay speller, but i think the bad spelling is a manifestation of my guilt about bullshitting. i know nothing about economics. i purposefully avoided learning anything about boring boring economics. and now i have to bullshit my way through talking about whether or not the guy writing the article is full of crap. he's not a very good writer. i know that much. he used a standard intro body conclusion format and each paragraph follows the main idea, point, point, point, transition format that i learned in Composition 1. his tone changes a lot, too. he is definitely an amateur when it comes to writing. too bad that doesn't matter.
I got this Janis Joplin CD and everytime Janis says that she needs a man I feel like yelling back You don't need a man to complete you, Janis! It's kind of annoying how insecure she is. I guess that says something about how far Women's Liberation has come. Or maybe she was especially needy in her time, too. But I really like Love is Like a Ball and Chain.
Hayley's birthday is on the 12th this month. She'll be 3 and she can say 3. She can also say "little fart" and she knows her colors and can count to 10 in spanish (we're working on english.. damn Dora and her bilingual influence!)
Something else exciting: the Silent Hill movie is coming out in April! I almost creamed in my pants when I found that out. It looks like it'll be based on Silent Hill 1 except the kid's name is Sharon, not Cheryl, and her mom (not her dad) is looking for her. A few other things changed, too. Like Cheryl's other parent is still alive which is really weird. I hope that they make a sequel based on Silent Hill 3 and just skip 2 and 4 completely because those games sucked plotwise. I sold my Silent Hill 2 back to the store for $2 and was glad to be rid of it. 4 was kind of sick.. all that talk about rotting umbilical cords and those damn ghosts. And what kind of game has an ending where you successfully complete your mission and the world is doomed anyway!? I mean, WTF? ......deep breaths......
I have a Geology test now, so that's all for today.

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