Saturday, May 26, 2007

infused with german coins

i just watched pan's labyrinth. it was suprisingly violent and suprisingly in spanish. but i suppose if the previews made it plain that everything was subtitled then less people would watch it. i was wondering why it was out of theatres so fast if it was so cool. now i know: because americans are illiterate... or lazy. it *was* cool, though. just don't watch it with your kids. really.

my parents took hayley to the beach for the weekend so i've been having to take care of myself the past few days. i'm down to my last pain pill and i'm not sure where to get more. they have my prescription on file at the walgreen's somewhere, but i can't remember where. i usually go to wal-mart but i'm not sure they'll refill something from walgreen's. i've got plenty of muscle relaxers, though so imma da be fine... *drool*.. huh?


as you may have heard, aurelia had her babies. 10 little pinkies in all and they are oh so precious. three of them have dark hoods now. i don't know if that means they're going to be black-hooded like penny's babies or what. i hope i get some that look like their mom and dad and maybe some self (solid-colored) and berkshire (white-bellied) babies. samuel was their dad if i didn't say so before. i think penny's babies had more than one father cause her two berkshire babies are so much bigger than their siblings. especially chelsea. we call her CHELSEA now cause she's so friggin huge. but still cute. i gave them all proper names now since it looks like they're going to be around for awhile. my boys are botero, nebo, gianlorenzo bernini, periwinkle, and godfrick. the girls are janet, lucy, lavender, and CHELSEA. i'm keeping all of aurelia's babies in case you were wondering. i just loves them too much.

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