Saturday, November 4, 2006

sexy world economy

i went to the plagiarism festival in austin today. it was so so cool! there weren't a whole lot of people there and i liked that. me and walter just wandered around in the enchanted forest and looked at art that was lying about. there were a whole bunch of really giant spiders left over from the halloween party and we met a kid named Zap. Walter had his comic strips up. He cut up the sunday funnies and rearranged them into new and hilarious concoctions. does anyone remember "little man out to stand in the dinner"? that one was there. the other art was cool, too. melted plastic legs dangling from trees, dolls nailed to stuff, pirhana flowers, a really neat painting of a young homer simpson, and some rip offs of andy warhol. after we left the festival we went to walter and jean's apartment and watched a suckdog video. i liked the part about the mayonaise fist fucker, but lisa and that french guy kept getting naked and rolling in poo. that was really gross. i don't care for poo much at all. call me a prude if you like, but you will never find me rolling in poo for any reason, not even for sex. i think that's about the only thing i wouldn't even want to try (besides anal sex with a horse). me and walter and jean all went to eat at the kerbey lane cafe. i also wore my copyright infringement is you best entertainment value shirt that is so big its more like a tunic. and walter wore his urinal shirt. who was that guy who did the urinal? i forget. we talked about the fur-covered teacup, too. i love that thing.

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