Tuesday, February 5, 2008

cardboard carcass

everytime i read a vonnegut book i wish i could just copy and paste the whole thing into my blog to share with all you lovely people. i started reading these in may and he's quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. his stories are metaphors for politics and religion, social commentary, but even when he strongly disagrees with an idea, he's never angry, always funny. go now to your library and check out one of his books, any of his books (they're all good). i know not everyone will like him as much as i do (or at all), but i think everyone should give him a  chance.

obligatory excerpt:

"People talk a lot about all the homosexuals there are to see in Greenwich Villiage, but it was all the neuters that caught my eye that day. These were my people- as used as I was to wanting love from nowhere, as certain as I was that almost anything desirable was likely to be booby-trapped.
I had a fairly funny idea. Someday all we neuters would come out of our closets and form a parade. I even decided what banner our rank should carry, as wide as Fifth Avenue. A single word would be printed on it in letters four feet high:


Most people think that word means terrible or unforgivable. It has a much more interesting story than that to tell. It means "outside the herd."

Imagine that- thousands of people, outside the herd."

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