Monday, October 15, 2007

cold water living well

things were bad. Things were extraordinarily, monumentally bad. I didn't think I could get through something like that completely alone. And I was alone. And I got through it. Things are still bad. Things are still screamingly bad. Not just inside my body, but outside as well.
Recovery has been slow, a classic two steps forward, one step back deal- sort of a pas de bourrĂ©e of recovery, so I can't exactly say that I'm "back". But I am sitting up and typing with only minimal pain, and that's something. 

The first day that I could walk again, I had the urge to start cleaning out the closet in this room and I found all of my old quilt projects. I started these years and years ago; before hayley and college and everything else, before I ran out of time or interest or discovered that I lacked the skill to finish them. It took a few days to get everything sorted out, and a few more days after that until I had the motor coordination and minimal strength to start working on them again. But I am working on them again and most of them are coming along. I have time and interest (granted, I would be interested in classifying dog poo if it kept me out of bed at this point) and although I still lack skill, I've learned to fake it at least halfway convincingly. Its nice.

Pink Kitten: an experiment in hand-quilting

an experiment in machine embroidery

a Crazy crazy quilt

a t-shirt quilt or possibly two t-shirt quilts (or more) its too early to tell, but there are a freaking lot of t-shirts here.

 Before the quilts, there were books, and before the books, there was buffy. I'm going to continue my profile song tribute to buffy ASAP. I'm saying this as if any of you even noticed that my past 3 profile songs were from buffy, and as though you are eagerly awaiting the next song in the tribute series. (Humor me please, the fever has addled my brain.) I'm going to try to find aimee mann next cause her song always makes me wish I knew someone named Mario so I could say "Oh, Mario" as well. its fun.

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