Thursday, August 9, 2007

frosting conservatory up in flames

"Declare the past, diagnose the present, foretell the future; practice these acts. As to diseases, make a habit of two things: help, or at least do no harm."
its a quote from Hippocrates, supposedly where the phrase "Primum non nocere" comes from. you know, "First, do no harm" in latin which is widely accepted as being the general idea of the hippocratic oath that doctors take, even though those words never actually apear in the oath itself. i believe that Primum non nocere is the goal that all doctors should have whether they had to stand in front of their colleagues and teachers and vow to it or not. in fact, i think it wouldn't be a bad idea for all humans to adhere to this notion. if you enter into a situation, make it your goal to help and, failing that, at least try your best to leave things as they were.

i can only hope that my philosophy is shared by the doctor i'm going to see tomorrow. a one Dr. Taylor Pruett at the scott and white diagnostics center. i'm terribly apprehensive because i feel as though i'm setting myself up for a misdiagnosis. here i have this disease that has elduded definition for 5 months now and i'm headed into a place where i have huge misgivings about the competency of the staff and asking them to figure out what's wrong in a matter of hours. i keep reminding myself that its not that big a deal; if they get it wrong i can always go somewhere else, if they turn out to be mean or stupid, i can always walk out. but i hate medical professionals, doctors in particular, from the bottom of my very soul. i loathe and fear and distrust them, and for good reason. i don't know if i can take much more of their accusations, their lies, their abuse! my soul is tired and my body is broken and rest is so very far away. when does it end? i just want to make it to the exit of this sadistic maze!

this is a book about talking dogs. its actually quite good

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