its mother's day! yay! i got what every mother wants; a babysitter. i went with john to see mission impossible 3. it didn't seem to matter that i couldn't remember what happened in MI 2 or 1. did i even see 1? i'm not sure. i know i saw 2 because i remember he had to crawl on the outside of a moving vehicle like batman. or maybe that was batman. that really turns me on. crawling on moving vehicles. oh yeah. and SWAT teams. one time i was driving and this SWAT van got in front of me and i followed them real close for a long time cause it was makin me hot. yeah, i was participating in a little autoerotica in my automobile, but it was for the SWAT van! not the ice cream truck. i mean, how often do you actually see one of those just driving around? it was really cool. okay, back to my weekend. i was stuck at my mom's house watching hayley because it was my parents' anniversary. hayley didn't sleep much at all. about four hours a night. that's why my writings a bit disjointed. she gets a nap but i don't because i'm obsessed with exercise. i think i may have formed a dependency on those endorphins. i get all headachey and dizzy feeling when i skip days. i do 6 days a week but i would do 7 days a week and double workouts if my legs didn't get sore so fast. it just isn't fair. what was i saying? oh yeah, it rained last night and the dumb cat woke me up and tried to get me to stop the rain. i have allergies. i'm allergic to mold and my head is full of water. i took some decongestants, but not the good kind. i can't get the good stuff anymore cause some moron "accidentally" OD'd on them and died like a moron. he was at sports camp trying to lose weight by using psuedoephendrines. what an idiot. you use your finger to lose weight! not drugs! i taught hayley how to say "oh crap" by accident because i dropped a library book in a puddle. she gave me all this stuff to hold and it slipped. it was okay. 9 minutes are up. i'm going home
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