Last week was spring break. I wrote three essays and did a lot of studying and also I read 4 library books and got a new callous from playing Sims too much. It's a nice brown one on my right wrist from where it rubs the mouse pad. And Hayley learned some new words "mechanic, Lisa, bobbin". She named all the chickens Bobbin. She thinks that's funny. I guess everything is okay. Yesterday the plumber guy came and put in new pipes so now I have real tap water! yay! I haven't had tap water in 5 months. I celebrated by cleaning my floor and then washing my hands. It was an exhillarating experience. The highlight of my week. And that's not just because of the pills. Tomorrow I will rinse out all my sinks and bathtubs and wipe off the counters. My cat leaves a thin layer of fur over every surface in the house, so the tubs and sinks have a layer in them. I don't know how she does that. It's almost like a sedimentary layer. Maybe if I dig a core sample I can tell something about my cat's history. Perhaps I have had too much geology. The test is coming up and I'm not quite studying, but thinking about it a lot. That's how I study. I imagine myself studying and then I read over my imaginary self's shoulder. See what her notes look like. I'm a big cheat! In other news, my elliptical trainer broke so I started doing Step instead and now my legs are all hard and manly. I haven't done Step since last summer when I took aerobics and all we did was Step for an hour twice a week. oh, and crunches. lots and lots of crunches. I have unwarranted happiness today. I think that may be just the pills. I took opiates once and I met a hippo and it was unspeakably lovely. That's what happens when you ask a drug dealer for tylenol.
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